When God Made....
When God had made the Earth and sky,
When God had made the Earth and sky,
The flowers and the trees,
He then made all the animals
He then made all the animals
And all the birds and bees.
And when his work was finished,
And when his work was finished,
Not one was quite the same.
He said, 'I'll walk this earth of mine,
He said, 'I'll walk this earth of mine,
And give each one a name,'
And so he travelled land and sea,
And so he travelled land and sea,
And everywhere he went,
A little creature followed Him
A little creature followed Him
Until his strength was spent.
And when all were named upon the Earth,
And when all were named upon the Earth,
And in the sky and sea,
The little creature said,
The little creature said,
'Dear Lord, There's not one left for me!'
The Father smiled and softly said:
The Father smiled and softly said:
'I've left you till the end.
I've turned my own name back to front,
I've turned my own name back to front,
And called you DOG, my friend.
Dogs are a definite must in our family!! Yours looks full of mischief!! ;)
Fab poem Anna, the whole blog is looking very swish. Happy New Year to you, Mr A and KK
Thanks Peajay and Melanie
Its quite good fun playing about with these blog things isn't it?
Anna, I love the background pic. You ladies are "goin to town" with your blogs, good job. Keep up the great work. TB
Ah ....good ... to see you had no problem posting.... now away and behave yourself... :D
Why ouch??
Have a look at Melanie's blog Peajay..
Also, have a look at the posts from 200 onwards on the Scotsman blog about Saddam Hussein ... to get what we're on about!!
He thinks I'm bullying him.. as if I would ;)
It seems like sturdy discourse to me although you have the advantage of being sober. :)
Perhaps you might like to move the Anna - About Me section a little nearer the photo. This can be achieved by dragging the Blog Archive box, in Add and Arrange Page Elements, out of the way and moving the About Me box up below the Photo. Thus you will both look lovely and be reunited with your name. :DD
Thanks Peajay, I'll give it a go...
Done it ... that looks better - I'll know who to come to next time I want some advice on this blogging lark :))
You're most welcome.
The paper said yesterday that a seal had been spotted in the river in Peterborough town centre, now that is something KK needs to see! :D
Oh I didn't hear about that Peajay, but then I never saw the local news last night.
I only get the local rag once a week ... when they have the houses for sale in...
KK is really in to any nature and any wildlife things that are on TV.
Apparently it has swum up from the Wash, 30 miles away and seemed quite content.
Are you looking for a new house?
Good question Peajay!! Anna, are you looking a new hoose?
No, I like where I live... but I like to keep an eye on house prices and .... be nosy and see if any of my friend's or neighbours have got their houses on the market.
Plus, I like looking at huge houses that I can't afford and pretending that I can ... they always go into great detail about the layout of them. You know the £700,000 + ones!! :))
You never know I could win the lottery!! :))
Ditto to the whole checking out the property section Anna. Round this way they're nothing if the price isn't in excess of a million. (Clearly I don't mean the same street, cos we is poor!!) :D
But the local villages like Digswell, Tewin, Cuffley and Brookmans Park are very affluent areas.
Yes, I know .... Herts is pricey, Peajay ..
The most expensive place in Cambs is Cambridge and prices there are very, very high. Them's Lunnon prices.... :))
You can still get an enormous house round here for £700,000 and I've only seen one advertised that hit the million and that was near Castor (very nice village other side of Peterboro'). Stamford is quite expensive as well.
When we lived down in Hampshire about 10 years ago... I wish we'd bought down there.... we'd have made a killing!! But, we already had a house round here that was rented out and we're just not the stuff that entrepeneurs are made of!! :)) Hindsight is wonderful tho' who would have thought that prices would have leapt up as high as the have in the last 5 years.:))
If I won the lottery I'd buy a penthouse overlooking the Thames in London... just for my weekends and hols in town .... you understand @D
Anna, I once played a golf tournament at Walton Heath GC - the car park was full of rollers and Bentleys. I'm sure that was Hampshire!
Walton on Thames? AJ ... very, very, expensive ... real stockbroker belt that one ....you could maybe get a mud hut for about £500,000!!
Ah well, let them get on with it .... but some of the prices are completely mad!
I came by to see your clock & counter? But no clock and counter. hummm. they would look ("lovely") by the light house. Dont you think so PJ.
TB speaketh and so it came to pass that the clock was placed just lovely by the lighthouse! :)
Well done Anna. Looking good.
Thanks Peajay... for your excellent instructions.... so clear that even a luddite - like me could do it :))
Hi TB... what do you think?
Never under estimate the luddites of Whittlesey, that's what I say. :D
I hope this doesn't mean I have to keep up with you all!! ;))
congratulations on conquering the tech speak!! :))
It's a quiet Sunday evening...I thought I'd come 'round and say hello!!! :))
Any new photos in the works?? ;)
Hope your weekend was nice! talk with ya soon :D
Hi Anna,
I like the technical innovations!!:)) Very impressive. Peajay is a wee technical whizz kid, methinks:)).
How was the human sacrifice this year? Was the 'Burning' a success??
Isn't it a bit chilly for the village orgy at this time of year???
Surely its never too cold for an orgy AJ ........ you'd soon warm up!! :D
I suppose so - dancing round the blazing fire before settling down to the fertility dance on the bear rug!!;)
Ah, those old pagan rituals ..... they do your heart good....
ooh, it's warm in here!!!
Hi Anna
You don't need to register to view the comments on Melanie's Flickr. Just click on the photos on Mel's blog which takes you through to Ar Muir Flickr. On the right you have a small box which says Ar Muirs Photostream. Choose 'Browse' which brings up all 21 thumbnails. Underneath photo '2006 Photos 017' (Mel on horse) you will see that it has 1 comment. Just click on that comment and it will show you who wrote it!! Equally if you do the same for 'sonrise 04 046' (butterfly) you will see my comment.
okay, here's another one:
and the answer for me...
Your pirate name is:
Mad Jenny Rackham
Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
alright, ya'll take a turn!! :))
I had a look ... at the photo... using your directions Peajay....it does show up doesn't it?
I won't register for a comment on there!! We're the only people with our surname in the Cambs phone book.... be too easy!! :)) There are some in the Northhants phone book tho'..... but we're related to all them!!
Discretion is the better part of valour!!
I'll check out the pirate thing!
Dirty Anne Vane
You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. You tend to blend into the background occaisionally, but that's okay, because it's much easier to sneak up on people and disembowel them that way. Arr!
OK .... .I'm off for a shower :(
Stop helping to plot against me!!:D
I can't access the pirate page,my computer disny like it!!:(
Hi all,
I'm happy to introduce myself as:
Bloody Jenny Flint
Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
Try www.piratequiz.com without the extra bits on the end.
As for the plotting, it was unfair for Anna to be disadvantaged by not knowing. :D
Black Roger Rackham!!!
I typed in www.pirates.com the first time!! No wonder it didn't like it!!:D
Peajay, you're more Pirate than Viking?!! Funny! I like it!
AJ, we have the same last name, hmmmm, well, I could be the saucy younger cousin, that's a fun part to play!!! ;))
Who's naughty now Melanie!!?? You little minx!!;))
Yes, AJ, I can be naughty, and a terrible flirt, I'm glad the gals put up with me, not that they are not above it...I've seen let loose a time or two!! :))
Are you calling me loose - Melanie?
Actually, one of the dance sides on Saturday was called "The Loose Women"..... AJ would have liked them ;))
now, I wouldn't be calling you loosey goosey or anything, ;) but you can dish it out when you want to...forget the prim and proper English reserve...you've danced about at a pagan festival! i'm onto you now!!! ;)
In my experience, it was the prim and proper wans that were dynamite in the sack!!:D
I blame the gin.... :))
AJ, you've given yourself away, you rogue! :)))
Anna, right, if you get to blame the gin, I get to blame the Baileys!! ;D
I read that in a book once!!;)
hmmm yes, AJ, whatever you say! ;))
Hi Anna
Did you get enough snow to please KK and allow him to have the day off school? :)
Not enough to close the school... but he did have fun making snowballs and chucking them at his pals and his mother!! :))
You need to do some re-training there :)
May I say how nice your hair looks today! :D
Peajay, I always said a blonde looks great with a glamour streak of purple....so where's the updated photo! ;)
Remember a while back we were talking about Pride & Prejudice .. Peajay?
I watched the Matthew MacFadden version last night (again!!) ... he's a bit of all right actually. Especially in the bit when he's asked her to marry him and she turned him down ... then he looks as if he's going to kiss her and then says "Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time"...
Yes ... he is a bit tasty in that bit!! :))
Oh yes, mmmmm! Initially I was sceptical about his ability to be Darcy but I think he fitted the part very well. Colin Firth is nice, but Matthew seemed a little more brooding.
Purple hair? Has blondie dyed her hair?:D
ah, but this is braw imagery at its finest!! ;D disclaimer...made me blush!
scotland vs new zealand rugby
couldn't resist, as I have a Kiwi friend who's an All-Blacks fan...but I'll be sharing this video with his wife, not him!! :D
AJ ... who is blondie?
Do you mean me? I'm not sure about the purple hair thing either... I haven't dyed my hair purple.... anyway!! :D
I like purple... but not, on me, as a hair colour :))
I think my Punk days are over ... the safety pins used to hurt a bit as well :D
Liked the video .. Melanie... couple of fit looking guys on there!! :D
Pity they had their backs to us at the end tho' ;)
Anna, my sentiments exactly, she says with a slight blush to her cheek!! ...my, aren't we naughty! ;D
My blog is busy with posts, so this might have been missed
...this video is a very witty!
Americans vs the Irish
I like people that can take the mickey out of themselves. :D
I misread the posts and somehow thought you'd dyed your hair purple!!:))
Jist me being a prat!:))
I might opt for pink and not purple tho' ... Maybe a nice cerise flick at the front ... what do you think?
It would match my tongue stud :D
Was that - tongue....stud!!! or tongue stud!!?? :D
There's an air of decadence about you Anna!! I like it ;))
Its the sherry and the gin .. AJ.. hic!! :))
Decadence..... good word .... so many connotations :D
I always associate decadence with chocolate, a girl's best friend!! ;)
I'll leave the 'stud' one alone!
I'm the guilty party that started the purple hair comment!
Pink would be good, Anna...we need to get as wild as we can, while we can!!!
...well, that didn't quite come out right...sort of responsible wild??!! :D
As the youngest of our group I must appeal for some degree of maturity in these comments. Clearly that appeal will be ignored but I thought someone should make it anyway just for the record. :DD
Thanks Peajay.... good to know one of us has a bit of sense :))
Ever fancied dying your hair purple?
No not really but I would like to be a bit blonder.
By the way, a certain TB is missing you big time on my sand and stone blog, so much that he's put out an all points bulletin! :)
I'm on it Peajay...:)
Why don't you get your hair highlighted? I've been having mine done for years now ..... I have a problem remembering what colour its supposed to be:D
Probably grey soon :(
When I was a wee thing I had white blonde, wavy hair which appeared to depart in favour of darkish and straight, this is then cut into a fairly 'mother shocking' short style which occasionally draws comments which pertain to 'batting for the other side'!! :/ Highlights unfortunately don't last long but an on/off relationship with a bottle of Sun In does help and not so dramatically as to be mother killing!! ;) It's a lot easier during the Summer with a bit of actual Sun to help. Yours is a nice blonde.
Oh Flower of Scotland
When will me see the likes again
We fought and died for.....
C'mon Escoscia, get intae the English pansies!!
Oh, Flower of Scotland,
We shattered your dream,
For you were beaten
By the England Team.
We kicked your ass
On our sweet grass
And sent YOU homeward
To think again!!!!! :))
oh Flower of Scotland
the try's were no jumpin
I don't have satellite
was yer scrum no pumpin?
I've had plenty o' Fosters
my, what a day
ar ya sure that ya lost
well, Scots, wha hey!
Best get yer act thegither
heard tell they kicked yer a*se
St Georgie's dragon best ya
lesson learned, now hold fast
yer fighters let me tell ya
I know that for a fact
I've got history books to proove it
review yer play book, go over tact.
but, when all's said and done
and when it's the end
shake hands, lift a pint
ain't we all interbred?!!
OK - AJ take mental note, don't invite a cyber spanking through emotional nationalistic fervour!!
Melanie, you're just making things worse!!:)
Anna, you're too clever by halh!!:DD
Obviously that should be - half!!
I aim to please :)
Actually that one went winging its way to Scotland a few year's ago ... after an English victory. My cousin's still speaking to me tho' ..... the thing he sent me last year was something about:
Train Announcement
The 18.12 England Grand Slam express was derailed at Murrayfield. Lothian and Borders police are impounding any broken chariots found beside their inconsolable owners on the road south!! :D
AJ, I would have dished it out to the southern gals just as silly if England had lost!!!!
wasn't tryin to make it worse! ;)
(phew, glad the US isn't playing!)
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